Visions on Future Computing
have seen the exponential number increase of computers in the last decades. Such
exponential increase is going on with higher and higher computer performance as
predicted by Moores law. At the same time, the size of computers becomes
smaller and smaller. They can be attached/embedded/blended
(AEB) to other machines, devices, human cloths/bodies and even ordinary
objects, for instances, a cup, a toolbox and a key. They are so small to be
unobtrusive or invisible as if they had disappeared.
are stepping into a post-PC era, in which a great number and variety of
computers with different sizes and functions will be everywhere, so ubiquitous
around us and pervasive in our environment. Such vision was first depicted by Mark Weiser, and associated technologies and applications were called ubiquitous
computing (Ubicomp) by him around 1990 and later called pervasive
computing (Percomp) by IBM in 1999. Although many new terms of computing,
e.g., invisible computing, disappearing computing, wearable computing, ambient
intelligence (AmI), proactive
computing, autonomic computing, everyday computing, sentient computing,
organic computing, amorphous computing, spray computing, palpable computing and so on, have
appeared since 2000, they can be regarded as something stimulated by ubicomp
visions with
some special emphases on or extensions of some aspects in the broad unicomp/percomp
frontier. Cyberworld brings us to the computerized virtual world, basically via
mapping or converting things on the real world into some kinds of virtual
counterparts (e-things) on the cyberworld so that many conventional activities can be moved
to the digital world and done with e-ways. Ubicomp, in contrast,
brings computers to the physical real world including everyday objects, environments and
ourselves. The power of ubicomp lies at seamless integrations and mutual actions
of the real and virtual worlds. What will happen when thousands of
computers/devices share one user, trillions of ubiquitous computers/devices
spread the whole world, and all of them are universally interconnected by
ubiquitous networks with ubiquitous services?
Under our feet is a road
towards Ubiquitous Intelligence (UI, u-Intelligence) or Pervasive Intelligence
u-Science, including u-Engineering, is the systematic study of the u-things, related theories and technologies,
their implementations and applications, and associated economic and social issues. It is based on computer and
information sciences, and crossed with many other disciplines ranged from the theoretic foundation, engineering
to social science. To gain the systematic knowledge on the u-things and make the useful u-things in practical,
u-science should be studied from all possible aspects by many researchers from various fields.
Cyber Science is a collection of all cyber-related sciences including
e-Science, u-Science, Web Science, Network Science, Service Science, etc. It is
necessary to make integrated study and common knowledge for these new emerged
sciences. The Cyber is a new space/dimension for people to live. Its profound impacts to human and our conventional world just begin! Cyber
Sociology is the systematical study of human social
existence/structure/relation and activity on cyber-physical-social spaces to
form the foundation for social computing and their applications. One of my specific interests is to study digital explosions and digital clones (called Cyber-I) in cyber and hyper worlds.
about my ideas and visions, please refer the following:
All of them must be ubisafe to all people in all situations. It is our long term goals to study all of
the above smart elements and their
integrations for creating smart worlds towards ubiquitous intelligence with
desired ubisafe guarantee.
Cyber-Individual Meets Brain Informatics
(in IEEE Intelligent Sys. Mag., 2011) - Featured by IEEE Computing Now
Hyperspace and Cyber-I (invited talk in AMT'10 in 2010)
Cyber Science and
Sociology (invited talk in CyberSocialCom09 in
u-Science and u-Engineering for u-Things (invited talk in
Ubiquitous Computers, Networks and Services
(in Japanese, invited talk in 2007)
Ubisafe Computing (invited talk in 2006)
Smart World, Ubiquitous Intelligence, Smart Hyperspace & UbicKids Study
(invited talk in 2004)
Towards a Smart World and Ubiquitous Intelligence: A Walkthrough from Smart Things to Smart Hyperspaces and UbicKids
(A feature paper in JPCC, March 2005)
Ubiquitous Intelligence: The Intelligence
Revolution (Interview by Wise Media, a revised version is published in ID
People Magazine, 2005.)
Smart u-Things – Challenging Real World Complexity (in
IPSJ Symposium Series Vol. 2005, No. 19)
Ubisafe Computing: Vision and
Challenges (I) (in
Springer LNCS Vol.4158, Proc. of ATC-06, 2006)
Spacelog Concept and
Issues for Novel u-Services in Smart Spaces
(Keynote in IEEE CS Proc. of FGCN 2008)
Journal of Ubiquitous
Computing and Intelligence (JUCI), American Scientific Publishers.
Journal of Autonomic and Trusted
Computing (JoATC), American Scientific Publishers.
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 4159,
The Second International Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Smart Worlds (UISW2005)
6th Int'l Conf. on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing (UIC-09) -
Building Smart Worlds on Real & Cyber Spaces
6th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-09)
The 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Ubisafe Computing (UbiSafe-07)
4th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings2011)
4th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom2011)